From past SFPUC project experience, AGS is knowledgeable in SFPUC Design Standard Codes and References, including General Seismic Requirements for Design of New Facilities and Upgrade of Existing Facilities, and Geotechnical Investigation and Environmental Characterization. Our design staff is familiar with regulations by the California Department of Public Health, stormwater management regulations, low-impact site design, BMP evaluation/selection, and technical document preparation (SWPPPs, SUSMPs, WQMPs, etc.). We have staff with QSD/QSP and LEED certifications and training in Title 24 accessibility requirements.
AGS is currently managing work on five contracts with the SFPUC (CS-386, CS-380, CS-1000, PRO.0055, PRO.0076).
Select SFPUC Experience:
- CS-199 Planning Support Services, Auxiliary Water Supply System (AWSS)
- CS-296 Hetchy System Improvement Program Management Support Services
- CS-380 Specialized Groundwater Monitoring Services
- CS-840 San Joaquin Specialized Pipeline Services
- CS-879 Sunol Valley WTP Expansion and Treated Water Reservoir
- CS-971, CS-229 Specialized and Technical Services for the Water Enterprise
- CS-998, CS315 As-Needed Geotechnical Engineering Services
- CS-1000 As-Needed Green Infrastructure
- PRO.0055 Southeast Outfall Islais Creek Crossing Replacement
- PRO.0076, CS-386 As-Needed Engineering Design Services
- PRO.0092 Engineering Services for South Ocean Beach Coastal Erosion and Wastewater Infrastructure Protection
- Lake Merced Tunnel
- Irvington Tunnel
- Calaveras Pipeline
- Alameda Siphon No. 4
- Southeast Bay Outfall Islais Creek Crossing Replacement
- Islais Creek Emergency Bypass
- South Ocean Beach Erosion & Wastewater Infrastructure
- DB-129.1 Bay Corridor Transmission & Distribution Phase 2
- DB-129.2 Bay Corridor Transmission & Distribution Phase 2
- DB-130 Bay Corridor Transmission & Distribution Phase 3
- CM Staff Augmentation Harry Tracy Water Treatment Plan LTI Project
- CS-229A Specialized and Technical Services
- CS-229C Specialized and Technical Services (sub to AECOM/Water Resource Engineering JV)
- CS-315A As-Needed Geotechnical Engineering Services
- CS-386A As-Needed Engineering Design Services
- CS-883D As-Needed Environmental Analysis & Documentation (sub to GHD)
- CS-971 Specialized and Technical Services Wastewater Enterprise
- CS-998, As-Needed Geotechnical Engineering Services
- CS-1000 As-Needed Green Infrastructure Design and Engineering Services
- PR0.0076A As-Needed Engineering Design Services
- PRO.0118 As-Needed Water Resources Professional Services (sub to Carollo /WRE JV)
- PRO.172A As-Needed Engineering Design Services
- Bruce Flynn (formerly Rankin) Pump Station and Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant Improvement
- Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant
- Hetch Hetchy Water Treatment Plant, Geotechnical Study of 11 Sites
- Irvington Tunnel, Hetch Hetchy Water System
- Hetchy System Improvement Program (HSIP) Program Management Support Services (PMSS)