Project Profile

Crane Cove Park

Port of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Project Cost
$45 Million
Project Size
69 Acres

AECOM (Prime)

AGS provided civil, geotechnical, and structural engineering services to develop a Master Plan for Pier 70, a 69-acre historic shipyard. Structural scope of work included assessment of two cranes, crane #11 and crane #14 and structural evaluation of a slipway runway structure. Seismic assessment using performance base design per ASCE41-06, computer modeling, and “push-over” non-linear analysis using SAP2000 were performed for the two cranes. Civil engineering services included preparation of an existing utility plan for the site and adjacent streets, and design of proposed site utilities for the park. AGS also provided design services for the proposed storm drain system for the park, including a Stormwater Management Plan which was consistent with the San Francisco Stormwater Design Guidelines. AGS conducted a geotechnical study to assess the magnitude of the seismicity-induced deformations and their effects on the proposed development.

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