Project Profile

SFPUC Newcomb Yard

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
San Francisco, CA
Project Cost
Project Size

AGS was retained to prepare a Master Plan for the Corporate Yard located at 1990 Newcomb Avenue, San Francisco. The seven-acre yard, which employs more than 300 personnel, encompasses Administrative Offices, Metal Fabrication, Electrical, Woodworking and Automotive Shops, and warehouse storage for the SF Water Department. To establish a basis for decision-making related to a Master Planning Effort, AGS pursued three parallel lines of inquiry: 1) A Condition Assessment Analysis of the existing facilities, 2) A Programmatic Assessment of the existing facility utilization, and 3) An analysis of how the rented warehouse/office building at 1980 Oakdale could be utilized as an Interim Facility.

AGS and the SFPUC City Distribution Division undertook a rigorous Stakeholder Engagement Process (SEP) to evaluate the utilization of existing facilities at Newcomb Yard, processing more than 120 questionnaires and conducting SEP meetings with twenty-four stakeholder groups. The outcome of this process was the development of a program and vision statement for the master planning effort. The planning process involved the development of several possible alternatives for client review and consideration. These alternatives were evaluated in terms of cost and schedule implications and then narrowed to a single solution that encompasses the best features of each.

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